Stock Condition

Hanover Scotland

We were appointed by Hanover Scotland to complete a 25% sample survey of their 4,770 properties spread across Scotland from Inverness to Kelso in the Scottish Borders. The survey also included the provision of over 1,000 Energy Performance Certificates along with extensive photographs and an accompanying narrative.

Hanover have a complex range of blocks and property types and so careful consideration had to be given to ensure all variations were included in the survey and, given the tenant profile of the Association, access protocols and programming had to be carefully managed to minimise disruption and distress to the vulnerable tenants .

The survey also included the provision of an asset management software solution and we were able to provide full user rights to HUB through our sister organisation SID Asset Management


Drone Surveys

Barrhead Housing Association

Roof Areas, High Level Façade and an Estate Overview

EPC Certificates

Trust Housing Association

2,329 EPCs for Trust HA

Stock Condition

Langstane Housing Association

Stock Condition Survey

Stock Condition

Wheatley Group

Stock Condition Validation and Damp / Condensation survey

Quantity Surveying

Ardenglen Housing Association

3 Year Landscape and Grounds Maintenance Contract

Quantity Surveying

Swan Inn, Banton

Renovation and Extension of a Community Café and Bar

Quantity Surveying

Third Life Care Ltd

Rosehall Care Home, Shotts